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What doctors are not telling you about office syndrome

Office Syndrome – What EXPERTS are NOT TELLING YOU!

Are you tired of your shoulder and neck pain? Or the symptoms of office syndrome?

If you are reading this, I assume you have tried every possible treatment like massage, physio, painkillers and acupuncture and all forms of physical exercises that claim to give you the relief from your pains and haven’t got any results or still hoping that continuing to a so-called general method will help you fix it and get rid of that pain?

What is Office Syndrome?

Do you have an office job? Do you spend at least 8 hours each day sitting on a chair in front of a computer? Then chances are you suffer from the office syndrome.

People suffering of the office syndrome have back, neck or shoulder pain, headaches, aching arms, numbness of the hands or feet, eye strain, dry eyes or glare and other complications.

How did you get Office Syndrome?

With the evolution of technology, most jobs nowadays involve 8 hours of sitting on a chair, in front of a computer. Sure, this is much easier and comfortable than doing physical labor, but it also causes a series of problems.

Sitting on a chair and staring at a monitor for so many hours every day can cause chronic pain, intervertebral disc disease and abnormalities in the spine.

This problem should be taken very seriously, If you do not plan to change career, you will probably do the same office job for the next 30 years or so. And even if you are feeling ok right now, you will definitely feel worse over the next years.

There are plenty of treatments out there that claim to be helpful, and I am sure you have tried some or all of them, by now you already know that, they will only give you temporary relief.

Why experts haven’t told you the most effective solution to your office syndrome?

There are many methods out there that only provide temporary pain relief or that do not work at all, and it seems that experts are hiding the most effective solution for the office syndrome. Some of the ineffective solutions include acupuncture, electrical treatment and general Yoga classes.

What if I told you that you are not given the complete treatments. To every professional you go, they are experts of one method, and you might be an absolutely new case, but they still impose same treatments on every patient that has worked for others without a thorough examination, assessments, posture analysis or habits checked and why in the first place you got that pain? They might notice that you have some posture issues but they still are only limited to reducing your pain, which eventually will come back or move to other weak parts of the body.

Why acupuncture is only a temporary solution to your office syndrome?

Pricking a needle on so-called “acupoints”, may relieve pain by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural pain-killing chemicals, and by affecting the part of the brain that governs serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood. If the acupuncture works on your body, you will start noticing that you are less stressed, you are sleeping better, having more energy, and your digestion is better. But all that can also be the result of simply doing proper exercises in their correct form.

Some people claim that acupuncture might be a solution, but that’s not really the best option. Acupuncture should be done by a specialist with lots of experience, otherwise just putting needles in random places of the body is useless.

Some people felt better with acupuncture, others haven’t felt anything, while others felt even worse. And even if the pain goes away for a short period of time during the session, it quickly returns. Not to mention that acupuncture requires a lot of time to get results, and not all people have the time, the money and the willpower to get stung with needles 2 to 3 times each week, over the course of a few months.

How Electric treatments in physiotherapy can not give you long term relief from your chronic pain?

The various electric treatments offered by Physiotherapists are not effective in getting rid of the chronic pains. The TENS therapy (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) provides short-term pain relief and involves placing electrodes on the skin and delivering low-voltage electrical current. This alters the normal perception of pain, and it can work for some types of pain. Similarly, the ultrasound and short wave diathermy provide deep healing which promotes healing of the soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the body.

But when it comes to chronic low back pain, arthritis, or symptoms related to office syn-drome, it is not effective and is not recommended by the American Academy of Neurology.

Why general Yoga classes are not going to fix your posture?

You believe it or not but the fact is 90% of Office syndrome is related to habitual postural misalignment. There are various solutions out there, and yoga seems to be one of them. Sure, it has multiple benefits for the mind, body, and soul, but regular yoga classes may not be the best choice. People with no experience and with back stiffness, pain and lack of mobility, go to these classes and try to replicate the complicated poses they see others do. Not only they risk injury, but they will definitely not improve their back condition and office syndrome.

Most classes will not give you options that are related to your posture, in reality, none of the Yoga teacher trainings educate the teachers to analyze the posture. If you are flexible one way and stiff the other way, you always have a tendency to do the yoga positions that are easier, for example, if your beck bend is very good you will usually like to do the backbends, And that’s what makes your body more imbalanced. Please don’t get me wrong, Yoga is my life and profession, its also my most preferable form of training to keeping my body in good condition and for that reason, general yoga classes are absolutely beneficial but they won’t help you improve your posture in particular.

Postural imbalances are best corrected in a gradual, systematic manner. Since we are not only biological but also psychological and spiritual in nature, a change in our biology will affect our minds and enhance our spiritual awareness as well. In a nutshell – Maintaining a good posture is an inside job.

That’s why small group classes or even private one on one sessions are so much better because its customized solution for your problem and the instructor will focus on your specific needs and will have you perform movements that are beneficial for YOU. You get all that at Abbysan that is affordable.

What’s the solution?

“Treat the disease not the symptoms.”

Hello, I am Dr. Abhishek, a registered Naturopath & Yoga therapist. My holistic approach, can provide you the ultimate solution and help you break free from your pain and poor posture once and for all.

A behavioral change is a long-term solution to office syndrome and is easier than treatment required when the illness becomes chronic.

My 3 Step Holistic Approach will help you FREE from YOUR PAIN and LIMITATIONS.

  • Step 1 – Yogkinesis Therapy
  • Step 2 – Habit Based Nutrition & Wellness Coaching
  • Step 3 – Lifestyle Coaching

Plus you will get a customized FIVE step program to self-management of chronic pain:

  1. Pain Journal.
  2. Eliminate inflammatory food from your diet.
  3. Proper Exercise & Posture.
  4. Proper Diet & Supplements.
  5. Try A Holistic Approach

If you are serious and committed to fixing your pain, Look know more book your free 30 minutes consultation today and find out more.

Book A Free Consultation

This solution is NOT for you

  • If you can not make time for your health.
  • If you are impatient or looking for the short cut.
  • If you don’t believe in the power of Nature.
  • If you only believe that medicine or surgery is the ultimate solution to a pain-free life.
  • If you are not willing to do what is actually right for your body.
  • If you are not ready or willing to change your habits.

BUNUS: Tips for office syndrome

  • Change your sitting or working position every twenty or thirty minutes
  • Stretch the muscles in your arms, hands, wrists and legs every hour. Get up and walk around.
  • Make sure your wrists are in a straight position; do not bend or twist them too often.
  • Give your eyes a rest from the computer every ten minutes
  • Sit with a straight posture
  • Do not sit on the edge of your seat
  • Set your computer and keyboard facing you.
  • The screen should be a little over your eye-line.
  • There should be a lot of space for you to use the mouse and mover your arms.
  • The computer should be arms-length away from you.